►Please note that every product available in our "IFREQTECH" store is a replacement part and not an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) product.Any references to brand names or model numbers are for the sole purpose of indicating compatibility.
► IFREQTECH KNB-33L Batteries are assessed to meet original equipment manufacturer standards. An ideal substitute for the original batteries.
► Please be sure to use the battery charger or charging interphone standard of corresponding battery charging.12 Hours chargering is recommended for the first time.
►Please note that every product available in our "IFREQTECH" store is a replacement part and not an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) product.Any references to brand names or model numbers are for the sole purpose of indicating compatibility.
► IFREQTECH KNB-33L Batteries are assessed to meet original equipment manufacturer standards. An ideal substitute for the original batteries.
► Please be sure to use the battery charger or charging interphone standard of corresponding battery charging.12 Hours chargering is recommended for the first time.